Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Like we discussed in class today, there are multiple types of knowledge that can be used to explain why the spirit bears are white. The video mentions how scientists believe that some black bears carry a recessive genes which allows them to produce white cubs when they mate with another black bear with the recessive gene. However, this is not the only knowledge about the spirit bears. Indigenous peoples believed that the raven, which is the creator of the world, created the white spirit bears to remind them how the land was originally all ice.

I think its good to look at myths and legends as well as scientific beliefs because it allows us to have a more comprehensive look. I agree with what Eugenie said in class that TEK is a more simplified type of knowledge than scientific knowledge. Instead of thinking about all of the complex processes which occur during digestion, it is easier to think about our bellies being full and being satisfied. This less scientific way of looking at things often invokes a sense of emotion. For example, the first version of Chief Seattle's Speech begins with "Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion" which expresses more emotion than if it just said "Humans have been destructive to their planet." I think TEK is simpler than scientific knowledge but expresses more emotion.

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